Hello Artists-Teachers!

Please consider writing a 500 word article for CAEA’s Collage Journal Winter Issue for any of the topics below. 

SHORT PIECES (500 words or less and a photo or two)

THE PLOT THICKENS Share a project that generated creative thinking in your students. 

CURIOUSER AND CURIOUSER What are you investigating?

BALANCING ACT What are you doing to balance yourself as a person/artist/teacher?

ARTIST ON MY MIND What artist/artwork has inspired you this year? (we’ll need the artist’s permission to show an image)

YOU GOTTA SEE THIS What podcast/youtube/techy-tool has inspired you this year?

BOOK REVIEW What book has inspired you this year?

A PROJECT SLICE Share a lesson plan from your practice that generated creative thinking in your students.

IDEATION WORKOUT Describe an idea-building exercise you have used with your students.

THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE Share something physical from your classroom that improved students’ access, autonomy, collaboration, engagement, or craft: e.g. a new way you organized tools, a table configuration, a display of student work, a gathering place, a technology set-up.

RITUALS Share a ritual or protocol from your classroom that humanizes classroom culture.

DO-OVER What are you going to revise from your practice next time?

SHOW AND TELL How do you  share your students' thinking with the broader community?

BOTH SIDES NOW A column from the point of view of a new teacher or a retired teacher:(pre-service/first year teachers) What are you thinking about in terms of your first experience teaching/future career? OR retiring/ed, veteran teachers What are you up to? How does your previous life as an art teacher effect what you are doing now?

THE WORKING ARTIST Share your personal art and studio practice. What are you currently doing in the studio? Do you have any upcoming projects/exhibitions? (Include links to artist website and/or social media.) 

COMMUNITY PARTNERS SPOTLIGHT What's happening in your space that connects to K-12 art classroom? (art institutions outside of traditional school)

ACCESS FOR ALL What are you doing to help all people access opportunities for thinking, making, and sharing creative work?

LONGER ARTICLE (500 - 2,000 words with many images)


Submitted items may be edited for clarity, length, and format. For articles and references, please follow the APA Style guidelines set forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition. 

Please accompany your article with photographs of student work or students at work. Images should be in .jpg format and sent as separate attachments. If you include images within a Word document, please also attach the images in .jpg format. Refer to the attachment and the file name in the body of the email. Whenever possible, include captions and, in the case of photos of original student or teacher artwork, include names of artists.

Please submit written permissions from artists and/or students when submitting photographs of them and their work. Ideal images are at least 4 x 6" at 300 ppi (pixels per inch). For an image to be considered for our cover, submit an image that is at least 9 x 12" at 300 ppi.

Please Click here to submit!

Please email me at amyfelderartteacher@gmail.com.


Amy Felder, Editor of Collage Magazine


Submitted items may be edited for clarity, length, and format. For articles and references, please follow the APA Style guidelines set forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition. 

Please accompany your article with photographs of student work or students at work.

Images should be in .jpg format and sent as separate attachments. Include captions and, in the case of photos of original student or teacher artwork, include names of artists.

Please submit written permissions from artists and/or students when submitting photographs of them and their work. Ideal images are at least 4 x 6" at 300 ppi (pixels per inch). For an image to be considered for our cover, submit an image that is at least 9 x 12" at 300 ppi.

Contact CAEA

EMAIL: caeaart@gmail.com         



Colorado Art Education Association  

1838 Flintshire Street

Colorado Springs, CO 80910


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